EXERCISES using Thera bands can strengthen your muscles as effectively as traditional weights or conventional gym equipments. Exercise resistance bands have become a mainstay of workout regimens for both muscled-up gym veterans, fitness training newcomers or for rehabilitation. The reason? They’re easy to use, safe mode, extremely versatile and powerfully effective. It’s like a MINI & PORTABLE GYM
“No matter what your fitness level, resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to use,”
The force it takes to stretch the bands works your muscles just like using free weights or machines. They are colour codes with varying resistances or tension levels.
Green Thera band is the safest to start with as it’s of medium resistance. Here is the link attached to buy it:- https://www.amazon.in/Theraband-Exercise-Physio-Practice-Beginners/dp/B07VYQKGYS?crid=LHCN8VBQ2J7O&keywords=green+theraband+for+physiotherapy&qid=1658456361&sprefix=green+theraband%2Caps%2C2876&sr=8-10&linkCode=ll1&tag=drphysioc21-21&linkId=c2feff20161b0d1edea7fbef1313984b&language=en_IN&ref_=as_li_ss_tl